Become A Client


You can register yourself by filling out the form below.  Our 24\7 online veterinary electronic medical records system will send you a welcome email, a login name and password.  Once you log in you will then be able to update all of your personal information and add your pet's information (including photos = cool!), request an appointment and more.  This is a free service that we provide to our clients at no cost which allows you to access all of your pets medical history and financial transactions. 

Register now using the form below.

Please DO NOT create another account if you already have an account. This will result in duplicate patient accounts and may lead to a delay in processing your request and potentially providing the best care and service you are used to. 

If you have forgotten your password, please click here.

With Love For Animals

With Love For Animals

Medical History  

Any doctor worth their salt should tell you that a thorough medical history is the most valuable diagnostic tool available today.  

If you are uncomfortable or perceive that you may encounter any resistance requesting your medical records please withhold from requesting the records until your first appointment. In many cases we can proceed without the "old" medical records and obtain a new history from you. 

Bring any records you have before or during your first appointment, or have them emailed to us, and we will add them to your pet's electronic medical record.  We currently do not have a fax, nor do we plan on having a fax anytime in the near future.

According to the Texas Administrative Code "Patient records are the responsibility and property of the veterinarian or veterinarians who own the veterinary practice, provided however, the client is entitled to a copy of the patient records pertaining to the client's animals."  While it is customary for a veterinary practice to call another veterinarian's office to request medical records it is the law that a client must request their medical records not another veterinary practice and the practice of record has a reasonable time to provide the records.